Jupiter’s Software‑as‑a‑Service Support Policies

Jupiter’s Software‑as‑a‑Service Support Policies
These SaaS Support Policies apply to and are incorporated by reference into any Order Form or Statement of Work (“SOW”) relating to the provision of SaaS Services by Jupiter to you, and are subject to the terms and conditions of those documents as well as the Service Level Agreement between the Parties. The details in your Order Form or SOW may further describe the support provided by Jupiter specific to the SaaS Services acquired by you under your order.
These SaaS Support Policies are subject to change at Jupiter’s discretion; however, Jupiter policy changes will not result in a material reduction in the level of SaaS support provided during the period for which fees for the application of SaaS Services have been paid. These policies apply to your use of Jupiter’s SaaS Services, and may be updated from time-to-time. You agree the most current version of the SaaS Support Policies apply to any Order Form or SOW between the Parties.
SaaS Fees
The fees paid by you for the SaaS Services under your Order Form or SOW include the SaaS support described herein. You will not be separately invoiced for support described in this SaaS Support Policy and provided as part of the SaaS Services.
Support Period
SaaS support is effective upon the Effective Data specified in your Order Form or SOW, and ends upon the expiration or termination of the same (“Support Period”). Jupiter is not obligated to provide SaaS support beyond the end of the Support Period.
SaaS Services Updates
SaaS Services updates may address security fixes, critical patches, general maintenance functionality, and documentation and shall be made available at Jupiter’s discretion. Jupiter is under no obligation to develop any future functionality or enhancements. If an update for SaaS Services, including the SaaS program, is made available to you pursuant to these SaaS Support Policies, it shall automatically replace the previous version of the applicable SaaS Services, including the SaaS program.
Where practical, Jupiter will schedule SaaS Services updates during non-business hours and will provide you with notice.
First and Second Line Support & Authorized Technical Contacts
Your authorized technical contacts must be knowledgeable about the Jupiter SaaS Services and system and your technical environment in order to work with Jupiter to analyze and resolve Support Requests. They are responsible for engaging with Jupiter’s Second Line Support team for technical support (support@jupiterintel.com), and monitoring the resolution of all Support Requests, including escalated support issues.
You are required to establish and maintain processes as necessary to provide and manage “First Line Support” for users of the SaaS Services within your organization. First Line Support will include, but not be limited to:
(a) a direct response to users with respect to inquiries concerning the performance, functionality or operation of the SaaS program;
(b) a direct response to users with respect to problems or issues with the SaaS program;
(c) a diagnosis of problems or issues of the SaaS program, and
(d) a resolution of problems or issues with the SaaS program.
If after reasonable commercial efforts you are unable to diagnose or resolve the issues or errors, your authorized technical contact(s) may contact Jupiter for “Second Line Support” over the phone or web. Second Line Support will include:
(a) a diagnosis of problems or issues with the SaaS program;
(b) assigning the correct “Severity Level” to your support issues as described below; and
(c) reasonable commercial efforts to resolve reported and verifiable errors in the SaaS program so that the SaaS program performs in all material respects as described in the Documentation.
Jupiter may review Service Requests logged by your technical contacts and may recommend specific organization and process changes to assist you with the practices described in these SaaS Support Policies.
Jupiter SaaS Support and Response Times
Jupiter is committed to rapid response of all Support Requests. Jupiter support consists of:
- The Second Line Support described above;
- Program updates, fixes, security alerts, and critical updates;
- General maintenance releases, selected functionality releases, and Documentation updates;
- Assistance with Service Requests 24 hours per day, 7 days per week, 365 days per year; and
- Non-technical customer service during normal business hours.
All requests for Second Line Support (“Support Request”) can be logged with Jupiter over the phone or web, and response times will be the same regardless of reporting mechanism. All Support Requests can be tracked via email by the authorized technical contact who opened the Support Request.
Jupiter does not guarantee resolution times, and a resolution may consist of a fix, workaround, Service availability or such other solution as Jupiter deems reasonable. Jupiter will use commercially reasonable efforts to meet the target response times stated in the table below. Jupiter will provide continuous efforts (24x7x365) to resolve Severity 1 SaaS Services availability issues until a workaround or resolution can be provided, or until the incident can be downgraded to a lower severity.
Target Response Times:

Severity Definitions
Critical (SaaS Severity 1):
Critical production issue that severely impacts your use of the Services. The situation halts your business operations and no procedural workaround exists.
- Service is down or unavailable after restart attempts.
- Data corrupted or lost and must restore from backup.
- A critical documented feature or function is not available.
Severity 1 issues require the customer to have dedicated resources available to work on the issue on an ongoing basis with Jupiter.
Critical (SaaS Severity 2):
Major functionality is impacted, or significant performance degradation is experienced. The situation is causing a high impact to portions of your business operations and no reasonable workaround exists.
- Service is operational but highly degraded performance to the point of major impact on usage.
- Important features of the SaaS Services are unavailable with no acceptable workaround; however, operations can continue in a restricted fashion.
Critical (SaaS Severity 3):
There is a partial, non-critical loss of use of the Services with a medium-to-low impact on your business, but your business continues to function. The impact is an inconvenience, which may require a workaround to restore functionality, or a short-term workaround is available, but not scalable.
Non-Critical (SaaS Severity 4):
You request information, an enhancement, or Documentation clarification regarding the SaaS Services, but there is no impact on the operation of the program. You experience no loss of Services. The result does not impede the operation of a system.
Severity Level Assignment and Changes
Initial Severity Level:
At the time Jupiter accepts a Service Request, Jupiter will record an initial Severity Level of the Service Request based on the definitions above. Jupiter’s initial focus will be to resolve the issues or errors underlying the Service Request. The Severity Level of the Service Request may be adjusted as described below.
Changes of Severity Level:
If, during the Service Request process, the issue warrants the assignment of a higher or lower Severity Level than that currently assigned based on the current impact on the production operation of the SaaS Services, then the Severity Level will be upgraded or downgraded to the Severity Level that most appropriately reflects its current impact. In requesting any assignment of a higher Severity Level, you must provide Jupiter with sufficient information that demonstrates the increased impact of the issue on the production operation of the Services.