Jupiter is a world leader in helping banks understand, manage, and disclose the impact of climate change on their financial and physical portfolios. Jupiter supports three of the six systemically important U.S. banks, four of the ten largest global asset managers, and 25% of the largest financial institutions in the world.
Jupiter turns gold standard climate science into actionable data for organizations looking to assess, manage, and disclose the physical risks of climate change and strengthen climate resilience. ClimateScore Global delivers the broadest set of leading-edge data covering the planet’s surface with 22.3 billion locations and 1+ petabytes of data, including 15,000+ metrics across multiple climate perils.
Banks must incorporate physical climate risk into their overall enterprise risk management to respond to demands from both regulators and shareholders to disclose risk and opportunity under TCFD-based frameworks. The scope and granularity of Jupiter ClimateScore™ Global capture the most complete view of this risk across the globe—and how it will change over future time horizons and under different emissions scenarios.