San Mateo, CA - January 19, 2022: Jupiter, the leading provider of predictive data and analytics for climate risk and resilience, today announced the most recent enhancements to ClimateScore™ Global, the company’s flagship climate risk analytics tool that provides physical risk assessment for any point on the land surface of the planet through the year 2100. The new metrics predict future physical risk from extreme cold and local water stress, alongside existing analytics covering flooding, extreme precipitation, extreme heat, high wind, drought, wildfire, and hail.
With the addition of three new peril metrics, ClimateScore Global now includes 41 peril metrics. The new metrics allow customers to understand:
> Extreme cold: analytics now feature the annual number of days below 0°C and below -10°C, enabling users to predict dangerous temperatures affecting utilities, agriculture, and other essential industries.
> Local water stress, quantifying the ratio of water demand to water supply over time, is released at a moment where increasing competition for water among residential, industrial, and agricultural uses is projected to be a major source of financial loss for exposed firms and governments.
Users can access precisely how these metrics, and the quantified uncertainty around them, are expected to change over time for multiple emissions scenarios. These metrics are also put in context via Jupiter's transparent climate scores and benchmarks.
“These new scientifically based analytics help our customers understand the impacts of climate change on their societies, businesses, assets, portfolios and supply chains. Jupiter continues to accelerate in filling the gap between academia and industry through our world class combination of climate science, technology, and services for analyzing risk,” said Josh Hacker, Jupiter’s Chief Scientist.
“The impact of climate pollution continues to worsen and become more self-evident. The drought conditions across the American west and the unprecedented shutdown of I-95 in Virginia due to winter storm conditions are the latest unheeded wake-up call,” said Rich Sorkin, CEO of Jupiter. “Public sector entities, large asset owners, and financial firms of all kinds must understand the impacts of climate pollution to adapt their operations, infrastructure, portfolios and policies. These enhancements to Jupiter’s flagship platform continue to deliver the world’s most comprehensive view of future climate-related risk.”
About Jupiter
Jupiter is the global leader in data and analytics services to make informed decisions that safeguard critical at-risk infrastructure from extreme weather, sea-level rise, storm intensification, and rising temperatures caused by short, medium, and long-term climate pollution. Jupiter’s ClimateScore™ Intelligence Platform provides sophisticated, dynamic, hyper-local, current- hour-to-50-plus-year probabilistic risk analysis for weather in a changing climate. The company’s FloodScore™, HeatScore™, WindScore™, FireScore™, and ClimateScore Global™ services are used for climate-related risk assessment and management worldwide. Jupiter’s models are based on the latest science, as developed by the global Earth and Ocean Systems science community.
Jupiter offers commercial services to asset owners in critical infrastructure, financial services including insurance, banking and asset management, energy and real estate, and the public sector. These customers use Jupiter services for a broad range of applications, including capital planning, risk management, site selection, design requirements, supply chain management, investment valuations, and shareholder disclosures.
Media Contact:
Hugh Moore
Broadsheet Communications